Friday, June 12, 2009

Am I the Pot or the Kettle?

As I sit here during the Girl's morning nap time, I am thinking to myself, "Why don't people update their blogs very often?" It occurred to me that I am one of the offenders. Oops. Then I got nervous because I thought maybe (just maybe) I should do something productive like clean my house or get out of my pajamas instead of updating my blog.

Naaaaa...I think I will just upload all of the pictures from my camera and then see what I have been doing this past week. One new thing: walking is our preferred mode of transportation nowadays.

June 3rd:

June 9th: What a difference (almost) a week makes...

As I am looking I realized that we have done a lot of fun things since our last post.

We love to play in the refrigerator.
And she doesn't feel bad about it.
We went to a sporting goods store and laughed at all of the things that are made in a camouflage print. Item #1 the recliner she is sitting in. Item #2 the strange bathrobe on the right.
Went for a little walk to the play area with dad.

We went on our first (of many, I'm sure) Old MacDonald's Farm visit with Papa.
Papa showed her (and Lee) the ropes including the rocking animals.
She also got to drive the mini tractor.
She sat in a tree.
And much, much more.


Kiki said...

I love Lance's get up that hill, lift those legs and then transfers to the nice voice, good job.

I can't believe she's walking!

You need another baby. Need.

Kers said...

Love the lavender bow and one of my favorite the pink polo romper. Those legs are the best!

Sarah said...

Fantastic! Isn't walking so much fun?! It finally made sense to me why they call them "toddlers."

Oh and you'll feel my pain on this... in the grocery store today, an old woman asked how old Lauren was. When I said 5 months, she told me I needed to stop feeding her so much! What?! It was all I could do not to make a smart comment back to her!

Love you and miss you, friend!

mini and brother said...

100% cuteness!!!

Tara said...

I like the way her word, "Hi" got her attention. I can still hear her saying "hi" to everyone all the way out of the church sanctuary.
