Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Birthday!

Yesterday was Teddy's first birthday! I decided to document his day.

Good morning, Birthday Boy! Teddy usually sleeps about 13-14 hours per night (I know we are spoiled).

We started our day at BK (we are Saturday morning regulars). Teddy loves the potatoes "things" (that is what Lulu calls them).

Lulu always gets the mini blueberry muffins.

Next we stopped by PetCo to pet the cats and watch some dogs get their hair done. I forgot to take a picture when we were inside. We then went to Lowe's (I forgot to take a picture) to do some home improvement shopping. We are in the midst of a major kitchen remodel and we regularly frequent Lowe's and HomeDepot.

After our errands we met Nana and Papa at Applebee's.

Teddy got his very own birthday sundae.

After a good nap, he was ready for more fun.

Nanny needed some help getting a new cell phone so we accompanied her to the store and entertained/annoyed the employees.

After we got Nanny a new phone, we were off to Chuck E Cheese to end our day. Teddy kept trying to bite the balloon and then would throw it and laugh his head off.

I had to get one self-portrait with my birthday boy.

Lulu and Teddy liked driving the Barney car.

Lee showed Teddy how big boys play.
I can't believe Teddy is already one. He has been a more challenging baby (eating, sleeping, contentment, etc), but he is smiley and funny. He loves to laugh and to make people laugh. He loves to shake his head no and point to whatever he wants and grunt/yell at it. We are so thankful that he has had a healthy (no doctor's visits) and uneventful first year. Our one year check up in next week so we will fill you in on his girth.

I realize that I stink at blogging, so thanks for checking in with us.


Sandy said...

I check because I care and am always so happy to "catch up" a bit...Your blogs always make me smile! You and your family are as precious as they come...and I am not prejudiced!

Grateful for you and yours,

Sarah said...

So sweet!! Happy birthday Teddy!