Friday, April 3, 2009


I feel like I have been so negligent for so long and now it is too late to catch up with the blog. Since I last posted so many things have happened. Here is the abbreviated version:

1. Real World Meets Blog World:

Blogyn came to visit/house hunt in Iowa and the Girl and I decided to surprise (stalk) her at the airport.

Lance and Blogyn meet the Girl
2. Girl tasted her first lemon
I don't know if she liked it, but she kept putting in back into her mouth.

3. Saturday March 28th was Lee's golden birthday. We celebrated by going to Chuck E Cheese with his family.
Lee's sister, Laine and her son, Jared climbing in the tubes.
Lee and his dad did some free throw shooting.
His dad won.
4. That evening Lee and I went out to celebrate. When we left the restaurant this is what greeted us. I love late March snow, don't you?

5. Sunday Nanny was hosting a birthday lunch/welcome Lance and Blogyn to Iowa dinner. Girl helped Nanny clean out her cupboard.
Girl and Mac bonded.
Nanny and Papa with their 2 youngest grandkids.
Nanny got Lee a special ladybug birthday cake. When I asked why ladybugs were special for Lee she replied, "well, the kids will like it better." If you enlarge the picture, you might notice that the frosting is a little messed up. One might think that Nanny dropped it on the floor and put it back together so Lee could blow out the candles.

I think Katie was excited to hang out with her new state-neighbors.
Uncle Scott (with the birthday boy) enjoyed the cupcake a little too much.
Cousin Haddie also enjoyed her cupcake.
Mac and Blogyn hung out.

6. Papa and Lee taught the babies about billiards.

7. Mac got hungry and decided to snack on Nanny's chin. Yum.

8. Girl learned how to give "kisses."

I think I am all caught up, phewy.


Maggie said...

Next real workld/blog world reunion I would like an invite!

Robyn said...

Best post ever. And not even because I'm a featured participant ;) Thanks for stalking us at the airport and for allowing us to help celebrate Lee's birthday! We had a great time and we loved meeting Lulu...she is an absolute DOLL!

mini and brother said...

Love it all!! Every bit!

Mikele said...

That kissing is precious. Not Robyn and Lance.

tara said...

Good grief, she's a hoot. Just looking at her makes me smile : )

Sarah said...

So fun!! Thanks for sharing your adventures :)