Monday, August 31, 2009

Chunk time

My BFF, Chunk, was in town for a couple of days last week and the Girl and I were ready. I told Chunk I would clear my calendar and wait for a call hoping she would have time for us. The call came on Monday morning. SHe and her three boys were en route to CR and we decided to have a picnic in the park (courtesy of Grandma Sandy) and then the playground and the zoo.

Lulu and the boys (Sage, Levi and Kolby). This was the best picture of the 10 attempts to get them all smiling and looking at the camera.

Chunk and I in a self-portrait.

We also had a fun day at the Playstation with some of Chunk's relatives. Another day we met at the mall with Nanny and Kers and her kids. Alas, in all of our excitement I couldn't take time away for any pictures. Dang.

I love you, Chunk! Wish you lived closer (aka within driving distance).


Sarah said...

How fun! I love good time with old friends. Want to come down south anytime soon?! :)

Brenda Rae said...

just curious - of the three boys - who is Lulu married off to?