The other day our girl discovered the joys in breading and deep fat frying in the form of onion rings.
Notice how she is reclined with a little extra on her chest in case she wants some more.
At times she also has a unique eating style:

She likes to take the strawberries out of the container and put them on the table as close to the edge as she can. Then she slurps them up like a puppy.
She also loves to dip her food like she sees the adults do. This evening she wanted to sample the ranch dressing.
Happy with a belly full of onion rings, strawberries, and water. What a well balanced evening meal.

LOVING IT! That's the kind of well-balanced meal our girls usually end up with too. Oh and glad to know ours aren't the only ones who get a kick out of eating straight off the table :)
The germ patrol in me is trying desperately not to come out. The delicious outfit is too the last picture.
Will you tell her she is not part puppy? The last pic is a Christmas card in the making :)
Isn't she sick of onion rings yet? I kind of am.
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