Tuesday, March 3, 2009


My name is Karoline and I have something to admit (judge me if you will). I cried when I watched the Girls Next Door series finale (if you have no idea what I am talking about, you might want to quit reading this post). First Bridget leaves for four months and then Kendra. I was never even a big Kendra fan, but when she had to say good bye and thank you to all of the mansion staff, I couldn't keep the tears away. I thought I was done with tears, but then Hef started to talk about how much he loved Holly, but couldn't give her what she wanted and that she was starting to seem unhappy, I lost it again.

What is sadder is that I DVRed it. I know, I have an addiction to crap TV. There are worse things to be addicted to, right?


Maggie said...

My name is Maggie and I never cry at TV or movies. Sometimes I feel like a bad person because I can't muster up a few tears in even the saddest movie. Wow, it feels good to confess.

Unknown said...


I just don't even know what to say about this. It may take a few months for me to be able to come back here. ;)

(And now I don't feel so bad about America's Next Top Model.)

But CRYING? Really?????

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

I CANNOT believe you watch that show! It goes against everything we believe! The feeling I have now...is...well, similar to the feeling I had when Hef killed Holly's dream of having his baby.

FINE. I MAY have seen a little....here and there. But I didn't cry.

Mikele said...

Actually, there's not much worse. Not even Buffy.

Jared said...

Oh there's lots of things worse.
Say, crack, heroin and crystal meth.
The difference I guess is that if you get caught watching crap TV you don't have to do hard time...

Sarah said...

Did you watch the Bachelor?? I felt a little ridiculous getting all worked up over it. I didn't cry... but I did get emotionally involved. SO I feel your pain :)