Monday, March 9, 2009

The Girl

I have decided that most toys are a waste of money. The girl's current favorite "toys" are a toothpaste box, a hotel-sized conditioner bottle, and unused computer-ish cords. She recently discovered the printer. She likes to pull a piece of paper off and wave it in the air. She also likes to scrunch it up so it makes noise.
Other new tricks include pulling herself up to a standing position. She is very proud of herself. She is just so anxious to start reading she wanted to choose her own book.
On our first beautiful day (over 60 degrees), Lee took a vacation day and we played outside. That meant Lulu and I hanging out on a blanket while Lee scooped Tuni's poop from the last 5 months. I think I got the better end of the deal. Lulu had plenty of items to keep her entertained, but what does she do?
Dives for dead grass and small sticks lying next to the blanket. Oh well. Now I am ready for weather that lets us be outside. Sadly it has been raining and I hear it is supposed to be in the single digits this week. Brrrr.

1 comment:

Kers said...

Polkadot jammers make me smile too.