Sunday, May 17, 2009

Something Smells Fishy

This morning we decided to go to the 8 o'clock service because the girl was up and it fit best into her nap schedule. We dropped her off in the nursery (this was only her second visit there). They asked if she could have Cheerios or other crackers and I said, "yes, she can have anything."

Little did I know...

We picked her up at 9:15 and the lady said that she was very friendly said hi to everyone repeatedly and didn't cry at all. Yay. Then she said, "we had some goldfish and she really like them. She ate a lot of them and probably won't need any lunch."

She has never had a goldfish in her life. It is no big deal, but I wonder how many she had. If the lady is telling me at 9:15 that my child doesn't need to eat lunch...that has got to be a fairly substantial amount of goldfish, right? She sure loves to eat. I have no idea where she gets it.


Unknown said...

Lulu has discovered goldfish! Our church goes through a truckload every week. For some reason, protestant churches LOVE to stuff little children with goldfish and then send them home to refuse the rest of their Sunday meals.

I swear there's a verse in the Bible that backs it up.

Sarah said...

I'm impressed with how well she stays in the nursery! Ours are 19 mos and STILL pitch a fit every Sunday morning when we drop them off (although they quickly forget us and have a ball once we're gone). But yes... their love affair with goldfish began in the church nursery as well. Good times! :)

Kiki said...

It's so true.

Brenda Rae said...

Our church is animal crackers.