Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Did someboday say 13 months?

My little sweetheart is 13 months old. She is no longer a baby. She says a few words: Hi, mama, dada, 'ama (grandma), yaya (Nanny), kitty, Tuni, light, pretty, Lance. She also says baaa, woof, tries to say quack and can growl. She says a lot of other things but I am not sure what they mean. She can nod yes and shake her head no. It amazes me how much she understands of what I am saying to her. The other day I asked her to pick up a hat and bring it to mama...and she did.

She is a great sleeper. She is a great eater. She has a wonderful temperament and is almost always smiling and happy. She is often mischievous and/or naughty on purpose like when I say "no" and she smiles at me and then does exactly what I have told her not to do.

She walks everywhere and gets into everything. Lately she has been throwing toys into garbage cans and toilets. I guess she really just likes to throw things. She is also a climber. She likes to try to get in and out of things like wagons, and on things like benches and couches.
Whenever the phone rings, her ears perk up and she looks around and says, "hi dada." She also likes to carry around phones and talk into them.

I feel like God made me for this purpose; not just to be a mom, but to be her mom. I love her more everyday. She is just so fun to be around. Hard to believe 14 months ago I didn't like babies yet...


Kers said...

Tears in my eyes. Sweet post. In the first messy hair one she looks just like you. I love her even though she's not mine :)

Kiki said...

I can't wait to see her in person!
She is too cute.

Sarah said...

Love it Karoline! I love getting to see you as a mama. It's a good fit. Who would've thought? :) I guess we'll have no need for our house on a hill with a courting parlor... but I think what we've got is a whole lot better :)