Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Miss Independent/Miss ODD strikes again. The other day Girl was eating her oatmeal for breakfast and I nicely asked her to set down her bowl (she was holding it up to her face so she could see what was in it). Immediately upon my request, she put it in her left arm and hugged it to her chest. And that is how she ate her bowl of oatmeal.

Don't tell her, but I think she spilled less while hugging the bowl and holding it directly under her chin than when she east it like she is supposed to.

Strangely, I don't see any sign of remorse in this face...


Sarah said...

HAHAHA I love it!

mini and brother said...

Smart and spicy! Love her!!

Maggie said...

You can just pretend it was all your reverse psychology super powers that got her to eat her oatmeal so effectively.

Robyn said...

She's pretty stinkin' cute.