Friday, January 1, 2010

Miss Independent

My Girl has to do everything by herself. Lately that has taken the form of feeding herself. I know it is good for her to learn, but it has vastly increased the amount of laundry I have to do.
She also needed both utensils to eat. She put one in each hand, thrust her hands in the air and yelled, "twooooooooo." Little if only I could find the volume control on her.
She has sadly inherited her mother's sweet tooth. Lately every morning when she gets hungry for breakfast she grabs my hand, smiles at me and says, "coocah" (aka cookie). The past two mornings she has grabbed my hand and said, "cauk" (aka cake). She must be remembering all of the cake she has eaten in the past month (Haddie's birthday, Kerstin's birthday, Jesus' birthday, and Jared's birthday).

We had her 18 month appointment this week and after her shots as I was getting her dressed she looked at me tearfully and said, "coocah." Poor girl. What mama could say no to a cookie after a shot? During her appointment as I was talking to the doctor, she walked over to the door, pulled down the handle, pulled the door open and laughed as she ran into the hallway (all of that happened in about 2 seconds).

She is 33.5 inches tall and 26lbs 2oz. She is getting too tall. In addition to opening doors, she can now open the drawers in the kitchen, reach her hand in, and pull things out. I might have to find a new home for the knives.

PS Happy 2010!


Kers said...

I didn't know she had to get a shot. What one do they do at 18 mo. now? I'd give her cookies too.

Sarah said...

Lauren is already so OVER being fed... if she can't feed it to herself, she does NOT want it. So yes, mealtimes are VERY messy and we usually wear more than one outfit a day :)

p.s. Lulu is bigger than the twins! They all went to the dr a few weeks ago, Lauren was 24 lbs and R & R were 25!! Skinny minis! Definitely don't get that from their mama :)

Maggie said...

I love her. Can't wait to see her in 2 weeks!
p.s. Thanks a lot, now I have that stupid Miss Independent song stuck in my head!

April Watson said...

Hey, you! Thanks for stopping by the blog. Every week or so I think about how I promised to write you for real so many moons ago. Hopefully I can remember in the next few days. Your little one is so cute! And quite a crack up it seems. I'm so glad you had a good Christmas. I will write you soon. Honest!!