Saturday, April 12, 2008


I have never been tagged before. It feels a bit like a chain letter. Here goes:

What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was finishing my freshman year of college.

5 things on today’s to do list:
-Register at Target for baby stuff
-help our handyman (AKA my friend Reyner) install a ceiling fan
-go through my clothes and shoes to give away
-clean out the baby room closet
-take an afternoon nap

5 snacks I enjoy:
-Caffeine-free Coke
-Snickers Blizzard from Dairy Queen
-Cheese Wontons from the ID

5 things I would do if I became a billionaire:
-buy everyone in my family new cars
-pay off our house
-start a college fund for the baby
-visit Greece and Italy
-have Lee invest the rest

5 bad habits:
-eating Oreos
-scratching (and leaving red spots)
-excessive sarcasm

Pet Peeves:
-folding fitted sheets
-speed bumps
-paper cuts

5 places I’ve lived:
-parents' 1st house
-parents' 2nd house
-DDD wing of college dorm
-the farm
-current house
(and yes, they are all within 20 miles of each other; don't judge me!)

5 jobs I’ve had:
-Racquet Center desk worker (7am-1pm during the summer)
-waitress at TGIFriday's (yes, I had the most flair)
-Gap salesperson
-Assistant Tennis Pro at a country club
-teacher (6th-12th grades)

I am tagging Maggie (and challenging her to start a blog), Chunk, Mindy, and Sarah! Enjoy!


Kers said...

Didn't think you'd do it. I'm impressed. Glad Mom and Dad moved so you could get you 5 residences :)

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Man...if you and I lived near each other....we could share all of our bad habits together! Well, except for the procrastination one....I don't share that issue. Don't worry...I have other bad habits too...

Mikele said...

I could totally help you fold fitted sheets - it's the only domestic thing I can do right.

I've always wanted to work at the Gap.

And, I love your sarcasm.

khuck said...

Sigh...Cheese Wontons from the ID. MMMM...sounds so good right about now when I should be fixing the fam some dinner. If only I could hop in my little car and be in CR in...less than 14 hours. :(

Maggie said...

Go to
All your dreams have come true...

Astraea said...

You don't even know me, but I thought of you at church today! A little girl named TAYLORE was baptized. TAY-LORE...

Sarah said...

I've never been tagged before! Hmmmm I don't know how I feel about this. hehe :)