Friday, October 17, 2008

Poor Nanny!

Nanny had cataract surgery (I always thought it was just for elderly people too) this week. Papa drove her to the hospital, and lulu and I picked her up. She had 3 hours to wait before the doctor rechecked her. Can you see how dilated it is? Apparently they laser the eyeball open, take something out, replace it, and close it up...oh yeah, all this while she is awake. Who knew? Nanny said it didn't hurt. She said it was uncomfortable and she really wanted to blink but her eye was taped open.

In our family, Panera's is a panacea. Nanny wasn't allowed to lift anything over 10 lbs, but she thought it would be okay if Lulu was handed to her and sat on her lap.

As I look at this picture, I realize how funny it might be for someone not in our family. If you enlarge the picture look at Papa, you can see 4 empty butter containers and his knife is in the 5th. Upon further inspection you can also see a huge chunk of muffin at the corner of his mouth. We love him just the way he is...most of the time.
The next day Nanny was feeling much better, she even multitasked: talking on her cell phone, sitting with the girl and trying to look nonchalant.


Kers said...

So enlarged the Panera's pic and all I noticed was how tight poor Lulu's jeans are :) Finally my niece and I have something in common :)

Kiki said...

Kolby's jeans still fit him like that and I swear the kid is losing weight!

Nanny on her cell pic, is that a dirty diaper sitting non-chalantly on her lap?! Ewww!