Monday, December 8, 2008

Going Crazy

I am currently at minutes 22 of listening to the girl scream. I can barely take it. She decided to nap for 30 minutes this morning after getting up at 1:30am, 5:30am, and finally at 7:30am. So I tried again this afternoon. I don't know how people let babies cry it out. (now minute 23) I might slit 'em.

She is on a sleep strike and I don't know what to do with her. 30 minute naps are not the norm for a 5.5 month old, right?

The thing that blows my mind is that she is so wonderful and happy while awake, but then...try to get her to take a nap and she turns on you...

These are pictures from after the 2+ hour battle. 2 hours of crying can take the cute right out of your face. I know from experience; she gets it from my side.

I think this is her victory smile (haha, I am not in my crib, mama. I showed you!)


Kiki said...

She won't always be on a sleep strike. Go with your gut.

Mikele said...

Dang. I'm sorry, but that face!!! Keep at it -

Anonymous said...

Must have been too many oreos at the Bells house! LOL. She looked so adorable in her red dress. I picked up a set of plastic Sesame Street toys - must be Lulu's? I won't be at ABF this week - orchestra plays at 46th st. How to get them back to you?

Kers said...

Lions - Mom has a pic somewhere of you about the same age with the exact same face. Love those genes and the girl's new profile pic :)

Maggie said...

Well clearly she was upset because you had told her Aunt Maggie was coming to visit and couldn't at the last minute because of stupid freezing rain.

Anonymous said...

If anything, that cute face got cuter...(sorry about the sleeping thing, nothing worse especially when you're used to getting it.)

Kiki said...

Love the new sidebar pic and the t-shirt!