Friday, September 24, 2010

Awards Banquet

Last Saturday was Lee's company's annual awards banquet and dinner. Aunt Kersie, Hank, and Haddie came over to hang out with Lulu for us. This is our best self-portrait.
My protruding baby belly. This was at 23.5 weeks.
Lee, his work boyfriend Derek, and one of their superiors Lynette.

Lee was one of four sales achiever awards. The award is an all expenses paid five day trip to the Pelican Hill Resort. The trip is next month. We are really excited (and really proud of Lee), but I can't believe I am going to leave my Girl for that long.


Kers said...

Super model pregnant lady :)
Congrats to Lee!
Gorgeous resort. I say you go for it and wear a bikini like those famous actresses do with their preggo bellies :)

Sarah said...

You're looking good girl!