Thursday, September 30, 2010


Last weekend, Cousin Macker came to visit. Lulu and I decided to take him to our favorite spot. Lulu showed Macker how to feed the ducks. I think he caught on fairly quickly.
Lulu chose to eat some of the "duck food" by herself at the table while Macker and I fed the ducks.
They still had plenty of duck food (aka crackers) for the wagon ride home.
They weren't quite ready to go inside, so they shared some suck food with the dogs that live next door.

Thanks for visiting (I wonder if I will ever tire of take their picture together?).


Maggie said...

a. they are so cute.
b. what is suck food?

Sarah said...

love that you've been posting again lately! But seriously, when did Lulu grow up so much?! Yikes!