Friday, October 15, 2010

Blogging from California you all know, Lee won a trip to the Pelican Hill Resort in Newport Beach, California. We got here around noon on Wednesday and have been having a good (relaxing time). The weather has left a little to be desired (60's and misty), but I am not going to complain about a free trip.

Each night, we have dinner with the COO, the other award winners and their spouses. Last night we went to a place called Javier's. We parked the car and walked in to meet the others. I was walking ahead of Lee and saw this tall guy that looked really familiar. Then, I realized that I was looking directly at Kobe Bryant, not five feet in front of me. I tried to get Lee's attention subtly. The area around the hostess stand was crowded and he rubbed shoulders with Lee and I and said, "excuse me."

After I got over my shock, I chased after him out of the restaurant to try to get a better glimpse. This was the best I could do. Kobe getting into his car. No valet. No wife. No security people.

I then started chatting with the guy standing by the valet area about Kobe. Apparently Kobe lives just about 1 mile from Javier's and 1 mile from our resort (I mapquested it). It is gated, but I still might try to find it.

Currently, Lee is golfing, I just had a "deserving mother's massage" (and three butter crescents for breakfast...that is perfectly normal), and Lulu isn't sad about us being gone. Thanks for caring. Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Mikele said...

I'm kind of surprised that you haven't hacked into his email yet. Slacker. Must be the crescents.