Thursday, January 31, 2008

"There is peace between your thoughts...

reach out and touch it."

Does anyone have any idea what this means? Neither do I.

I began taking a Prenatal Yoga class a couple of weeks ago. I thought it would be fun and I had never done yoga before, so why not?

I have decided after three sessions that I am not a yoga-type person. I don't relax well. I think I am too uptight, perfectionsitic and high-strung. I do what I am supposed to be doing (breathing, posing, etc), but I am always looking around to make sure I am doing to correctly. My mind is constantly going and I always think, "Okay... Now what? What's next?" I think that I am supposed to be concentrating on breathing ot harnessing my energy or something. I also look at my watch every 5 minutes; probably not yogi-approved, huh?

The terminology also drives me nutty. If our yogi (a very nice lady) refers to the floor or the conference room as the "earth" one more in "let your hands grace the earth beneath you." Ahhhh.

So last night as we were wrapping things up, we were laying on our sides on our mats with the lights off and I hear, "There is peace between your thoughts; reach out and touch it." I tried not to giggle. Seriously, what does that mean?


Anonymous said...

Don't ever take lamaze. I had to get up and leave because I was giggling so hard. I was disturbing the other serious mommies-to-be.

Mikele said...

Maybe she said, "thighs," that might make more sense.

Anonymous said...

Mikele, I don't know you, but that was hilarious and a much better explanation.

Unknown said...

She means that most of us are too busy thinking that we forget to relax. Sounds like you may be in that category? :)

Unknown said...

p.s. I know I am :)

Unknown said...

We are in serious need of a belly pic.

Kiki said...

I agree with the thighs.

You'll be a great mom anticipating every need of that sweet baby.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

I have no idea what it means...but it did make me hungry for granola and remind me that I need to go to Whole Foods to pick up a few things...

Kers said...

How many weeks are you now? I think we definitely deserve a belly pic if you are close to 20 even if it's your first baby :)

Astraea said...

I say forget the yoga, breathing, and connecting with the earth...just get the epidural. That will be bring peace between your thoughts and thighs!

Anonymous said...

...or the c-section. Lots of peace there.

mini and brother said...

I love C-sections!!
Come on Snaggle, I want to see a belly picture!!