Saturday, March 29, 2008


When you get married you think about a lot of things. But...sometimes the little things don't get a lot of attention and you don't even notice them until you are married.

Example: The Celebration of Birthdays.

In Lee's family, birthday are not a big deal. Last Sunday I asked Lee's mom if they had any plans for Lee;s birthday and she said, "Oh, that is this week, isn't it? Which day is it again?" On the other hand, my family had been wondering about birthday plans for a couple weeks.

So... needless to say, Lee doesn't really get too excited about his birthday. Here is a picture of the 27 year old birthday boy.

Nanny got him an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and even had his name written on it.

Here is the singing. Notice that there is NCAA basketball on in the background and all of the boys are more interested in that than the cake or celebration.


Kristi said...

Lee looks entirely thrilled about being the man of the hour. ;)

Kers said...

The entire family looks pretty uninterested although I can vouch for asking a few weeks ago about the plans. Those boys and their NCAA games. My favorite part is all of the coaching the guys received about singing, blowing out candles, smiling for the camera, etc.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said... Criddles really know how to throw down a hot party!

First of all....I want to be there...with Papa and Nanny Criddle and all the Aunts and Uncles. Someday...if my dream comes true.

Second...I love Lee's expressions.

Happy Birthday Lee!

mini and brother said...

What a wild and crazy party!!

Casey, Aaron, Colby & McKenzie said...

Ahhhh..What a hoot of a birthday party!! Lee looks totally out of the birthday singing...I love that we can only hear Gary and Kerstin singing!! Way to go Papa Gary and Auntie Kers!! hahaha

Kiki said...

Happy Birthday Lee! So, what did you get him?!

Anonymous said...

That video is stinkin' hilarious.