Thursday, March 13, 2008


I apologize for my lack of blogging. I don't have much to report.

I am now about 25 weeks and really showing. The baby moves all of the time, but most often from early evening until bed. I sleep a lot. I got 12 hours of sleep Saturday night and then took a 2.5 hour nap Sunday afternoon. High School tennis started this week. We have been conditioning in the gym all week due to the piles of snow and ice on the courts. It has been over 40 for the past 3 days, so it should be long until we can be outside.

Maybe something exciting will happen and I will blog it...don't hold your breath.


Astraea said...

Could you go to yoga for us?

Sarah said...

I want to see some pictures!! I can send you some really funny pictures of my belly... it was ginormous! :) I'm glad you can sleep... is it getting uncomfortable yet?? Love you!

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Sleep...sleep as often as you can...and don't stop....just sleep for the next 14 weeks. You will be glad you did. :-)

Kers said...

I concur with the sleep idea. I remember I did a countdown for how many weekends I had left to sleep in since I'd be forgoing that for atleast 20 years :)