Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bloomsbury Farm

On Monday we attended a MOPS outing, our first. We went to Bloomsbury Farm to experience lots of cool stuff. My Girl is a little too young for most of the activities,but she had fun pretending she was one of the big kids.

I have been noticing the deterioration of my photographic pursuits. It is hard to wrangle a 16 month old while also making sure you don't misplace your cell phone or the stroller. The camera seems to be the thing that has slipped through the cracks. My picture taking is spotty at best. Sorry. I promise there were many more animals than just chickens and we did more activities than just the corn sand box and the slide. I also promise that there were kids other than mine there too.

I will try to do better (it might be time for a holster).
"Look mom, chickens!"

"Here chicken chicken chicken chicken"

She is naughty. I now know why there straps and buckles on these things...

She loved the corn sandbox. She probably played in there for 20 minutes.

Notice my baby on the bottom step. She probably did this slide 6-7 times. It was huge. She is fearless.

Lunch. Don't tell her she isn't one of the big kids.

The end.


Mikele said...

What a fun little place!

Kiki said...

She is one of the big kids and needs a little brother or sister.

mini and brother said...

I like seing you in the last one.

Sarah said...

how fun!! She sure does think she's a big kid! love it!