Friday, November 30, 2007

7 Days Puke-Free...

...until today.

I was doing so well; I thought I was on the downhill slope of morning sickness, but alas, I got my hopes up. Today I made it to school and through all of second hour, but at the beginning of third hour I excused myself and escaped to the restroom. Let me tell you... there is nothing quite like sitting on the floor of a high school restroom (even if it is the separated but unlocked teacher's stall).

So, I threw up a lot and someone outside the stall said, "Are you okay?" Dang. What does a girl have to do to puke it private?


Kers said...

So sorry Lions. I just gave Thad the report that you are doing so much better :( How about a chocolate shake? I had one everyday (well almost) when I was pregnant with Hank.

Mikele said...

Yuck. Hopefully, it will get better soon. Saltines? 7-Up?

Mmmmm, now I want a chocolate shake.

Kiki said...

Oh, Loopty. That stinks.

Have you tried those preggy pops? I never have, but the packaging says... and if they advertise it, it must be true! Motherhood sells them.

Anonymous said...

It must be a boy in there ;) Praying that this yucky part is over SOON!