Monday, July 28, 2008

I swear she does more than sleep...

but for now, all of the cutest pictures are of her sleeping.
Sunday morning, Lulu got up around 7:15. I fed her and changed her and passed her off to Lee, who was till in bed. I ran around and got myself ready for church and went back to get her ready and this was what I found. When I tried to take her, Lee said, "How can you move her, we are so comfy?"

Lee is not always perfect, but this weekend he was a superhero. He realized that I had not been away from the baby since June 28th and told me to go to something fun. I told him I was going to go to the grocery store and he insisted that I needed to find a more fun destination (all I could come up with was TJ Maxx and picking up food for dinner). I was only gone 1.5 hours, but it felt good.

Sunday, the girl had slept outside under a tree in her stroller while Lee and I did yard work. I guess she got worn out. I told Lee that he had to keep her awake so she would sleep better. She would have none of it. Not the most ladylike position, but she seems comfortable. She slept well anyway. Hurray!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Baby Mac

Check out my newest nephew.

Supermodel Lulu

This was Miss Lucia's first dalliance into shoe-wearing. The outfit: gift from my mother-in-law. The shoes: gift from aunt Katie. This might be one of my favorite outfits on her. The capri pants crack me up.

This is my Baby Lulu's first time wearing a Baby Lulu (special thanks to Katie and Amelia for sharing).
Also a special thanks to Aunt Kers, Bubba and SBG for donating all sorts of baby items (swing, bouncy seat, bumbo, etc) to our house. This is her current favorite. She usually just stares out the window when in this seat, but every one in a while she falls asleep.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Poop Coaching

The other night Lulu was a little fussy, which usually means that she is trying to poop. Lee, being the empathetic father that he is, said not wonder she doesn't like to poop; she has to do it lying down horizontally. So...Lee decided to put her in a position more similar to sitting on a toilet.

You can tell by the shape of Lee's mouth that he is saying, "puuuuuush." You can by the shape of Lulu's mouth that she is trying to push, but it is quite a struggle. This picture probably won't be her favorite when it is on her wedding video montage.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One Month

Lucia's Aunt Katie (and Last Chance) keeps her in all of the current baby trends. Who knew she was so cool?
Nanny thought it would be funny to play up Lucia's quickly receding hairline. Poor girl!
Just enjoying a tummy time nap.
Lucia is officially one month old today. She has gained over 3 pounds; she is tipping the scales at 10lb 6 oz. She is a good eater, just like her mom.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Good Morning, BlogFriends!

My sister, Katie, keeps asking for a video of Lulu. She has been wanting to see her move around and make noise. I have been having video troubles, but I keep trying.

On this particular morning, I was prepared. As soon as I heard her start to waker herself up, I grabbed the camera and ran to her room. I opened the door and she was still half-asleep, so I didn't what every good blogmom would do...I turned on the light and opened the window so the video would be more clear.

Lulu's video

It is kind of long (3 minutes), but I guarantee you will enjoy. Be sure listen carefully for all of the dainty noises she makes.

Monday, July 14, 2008

3 weeks down...

So far things have been going really well. Lucia is a great baby. She loves to eat, sleep, and poop. She often likes to poop as you are taking off her diaper. She sleeps 3-5 hours at a time per night in her crib in her room. I am doing pretty well sleep-wise because after I wake up, feed and change her, I fall back asleep almost immediately.

She weighed 7lb5oz when she was born and had dropped down to 6lb 11oz when we left the hospital. As of this morning, she is 9lb 6.5 oz. Like I said, she is a good eater.

I realized how blessed I am to have such an easy baby. Some people tick me off though. Today at babyGap, I saw a friend of a friend and we chatted bit. Her child is not as easy as mine. She asked how old Lulu was and I said 3 weeks. She said, "Oh yeah...When _____ was 3 weeks that is when the problems started; colic and sleeping problems..." Can't she just let me enjoy the present? Can't people just let me revel in the bliss of my ignorance?

The other day a person with an 18 month old said, "Enjoy this stage because pretty soon she'll be walking and you'll have to watch her all of the time." DUH! Like I thought she would just sit immobile and mute and stare at me and coo? I plan to enjoy every stage she goes through (even the difficult ones).

Oh well, Lulu and I aren't going to let the Debbie and Darryl Downers of the world take us down with them.

PS I still can't figure out what to do about the Bjorn/sling question.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Not always perfect

Although Lulu is darn near perfect (in her mother's eyes, of course); I promise she is not always contentedly smiling at the camera or sleeping on someone's chest. But why would I post the unhappy, angry faces on the blog?

Here are a couple of pictures of Lulu not being 100% angelic. It just seems plain mean to take a picture of her instead of pick her up and fix whatever is ailing her. Am I right?
PS I still think she has kind of a boy face. I will have to invest in tiny ribbons and Elmer's glue until I am sure she looks like a girl.

Also, I need some input from more experienced moms. Should I get a sling or a Baby Bjorn or are both a waste of money? Help me.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Surprise! More Pictures!

This is one of my favorite faces that she makes.

Anyone recognize this onesie? Aunt Katie made it for Cousin Mini 5 years ago.

Enjoying some bonding on her dad's shoulder...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tummy Time

I guess tummy time is important. I think it has a real developmental reason, but I think it is so babies don't get flat heads. Miss Lucia doesn't seem convinced...

While practicing our tummy time, Lulu's legs kept kicking and looked very tempting to one of the men in our house. Lord Helmet was attacking her feet and batting at them with his clawless paws.
Then he decided just to sit and watch them flail and to tickle them every so often.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy 4th!

Last Thursday, Lulu and I went to Lee's softball game. Mostly I think she liked being held by her grandma throughout the game.
Lee plays third base. The first week he played, he wore soccer shorts (which are a little shorter than his knees) and his old soccer cleats. He was mocked so badly that he will only wear long shorts now, although he still wears the soccer cleats..

Friday, Lulu celebrated the 4th of July by falling asleep on Nanny in her patriotic onesie and blanket.
Later in the day, she continued the celebration by falling asleep on her dad.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

When not swaddled, she loves to sleep with her hands above her head. It starts as a stretch, but then she just leaves them there. After observing her father, I know where she gets this habit.

Lee and I have a favorite eatery and decided that 8 days old was the appropriate time to share this place with our little girl. She was awake and content the entire time. She must have taken an immediate liking to the place as well.
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