Saturday, July 12, 2008

Not always perfect

Although Lulu is darn near perfect (in her mother's eyes, of course); I promise she is not always contentedly smiling at the camera or sleeping on someone's chest. But why would I post the unhappy, angry faces on the blog?

Here are a couple of pictures of Lulu not being 100% angelic. It just seems plain mean to take a picture of her instead of pick her up and fix whatever is ailing her. Am I right?
PS I still think she has kind of a boy face. I will have to invest in tiny ribbons and Elmer's glue until I am sure she looks like a girl.

Also, I need some input from more experienced moms. Should I get a sling or a Baby Bjorn or are both a waste of money? Help me.


Astraea said...

My kids loved the Baby Bjorn! (Faith still does.) They just seem a bit more secure in it also.

Sarah said...

Neither of our babies liked the sling, but both loved the Baby Bjorn (and still would, I'm sure - but I stopped using it when I started to show). It was a life saver in trying to carry two babies around :) Actually, they both (at different times) fell asleep in it.

Kers said...

Pick that girl up and love her :( That pouty lip one is so sad. Will you weigh her on Wed.? I want to know how chubby she'd getting. O - I have no Bjorn experience but Haddie loved the sling and slept in it well until she was 5 or 6 months.

mini and brother said...

I like her manface.

I think you'd look cool with a sling. If you wore it just right I think you might not even need to wear a shirt.

Sarah said...

I have a bjorn for you to borrow if you'd like. I could even walk it over to your house.... I also have a friend who makes slings... we should talk! :) Call me - 573-3038.

Kiki said...

I've read that the Bjorn isn't good for the babies because of the way it puts pressure on the spine or something. But, I used both for Kolby and he liked both, fell asleep in both. The sling seems more versatile to me because you can use it longer. I got rid of my Bjorn and don't plan to get another one.

I vote sling!

Casey, Aaron, Colby & McKenzie said...

Too cute...I love the pouty lip picture! Poeple will always have poopy stores to tell you....Enjoy your perfect little angel! THey do grow up fast!