Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tummy Time

I guess tummy time is important. I think it has a real developmental reason, but I think it is so babies don't get flat heads. Miss Lucia doesn't seem convinced...

While practicing our tummy time, Lulu's legs kept kicking and looked very tempting to one of the men in our house. Lord Helmet was attacking her feet and batting at them with his clawless paws.
Then he decided just to sit and watch them flail and to tickle them every so often.


Kers said...

Just look at the world's most perfect newborn doing her tummy time. My poor kids had purple faces from screaming so loud every time I tried it :) What a sweetie she is and may I say that she looks as if she's filling out the newborn dipe :)

Anonymous said...

Don't blink, klhark, she'll be in size 6's before you know it!

mini and brother said...

I hate pets. Glad it's declawed.

Mikele said...

She looks like she wants me to scoop her up and kiss her face.

Maggie said...

Karoline I finally updated my blog so now you can add me to your blog stalking list.

Anonymous said...

Katie...we would get along.

Karoline...she's really sweet.

Anonymous said...

Karoline & Lee,

The best of wishes and congratulations to you. She is beautiful.

Now get some sleep.