Monday, July 14, 2008

3 weeks down...

So far things have been going really well. Lucia is a great baby. She loves to eat, sleep, and poop. She often likes to poop as you are taking off her diaper. She sleeps 3-5 hours at a time per night in her crib in her room. I am doing pretty well sleep-wise because after I wake up, feed and change her, I fall back asleep almost immediately.

She weighed 7lb5oz when she was born and had dropped down to 6lb 11oz when we left the hospital. As of this morning, she is 9lb 6.5 oz. Like I said, she is a good eater.

I realized how blessed I am to have such an easy baby. Some people tick me off though. Today at babyGap, I saw a friend of a friend and we chatted bit. Her child is not as easy as mine. She asked how old Lulu was and I said 3 weeks. She said, "Oh yeah...When _____ was 3 weeks that is when the problems started; colic and sleeping problems..." Can't she just let me enjoy the present? Can't people just let me revel in the bliss of my ignorance?

The other day a person with an 18 month old said, "Enjoy this stage because pretty soon she'll be walking and you'll have to watch her all of the time." DUH! Like I thought she would just sit immobile and mute and stare at me and coo? I plan to enjoy every stage she goes through (even the difficult ones).

Oh well, Lulu and I aren't going to let the Debbie and Darryl Downers of the world take us down with them.

PS I still can't figure out what to do about the Bjorn/sling question.


Kristi said...

Yeah, and soon she'll be heading off to kindergarten then the day after that asking for the car keys... ;)

Kiki said...

There will always be someone who says something. Sometimes I wonder if other mothers want everyone to have a hard time.

Maggie said...

Haters! Your child is perfect, as I'm sure Critter will be.

Astraea said...
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Astraea said...

I had three easy babies and I'm proud of it. (I can't say the 2-year-old boy is so easy, but I still love him dearly!) I think some people want compliments about how impressive it is that they survived and how great their child seems...

Lulu is adorable. I love the pout!

Unknown said...

Ah, you will also discover this:

If your child behaves badly, people will blame you. If she behaves well, people will say, "Oh, you are lucky! You got an easy baby!"

Notice that no one ever thinks that the good child might have to do with good parenting? (I know that doesn't really apply to a 3 week old, but it's something I've noticed.)

Sarah said...

Seriously, just borrow my bjorn and see what you think. I'll drop it by whenever you want....just give me a call. :)

Sarah said...

Karoline, I'm so glad Lucia is an easy baby! Every baby is different, so don't listen to anyone's advice. We have treated the twins almost exactly the same and have had two TOTALLY different experiences. I want to see a picture of you and Lulu BOTH :)

Anonymous said...

LuLu looks so darn cute! Wish I was there to hold her - and to help her with her first Tiffany's purchase!

Missing you tons from Mass!

Love Mol

Anonymous said...

It's hard enough being a mom for the first time. How wise of you to already know that your little Lulu is a unique creation with her own package—her own little soul and personality and "bent." Every day, every stage has its delights and its difficulties. And each one is delightfully different.

Psalm 139:13-14(Amplified Bible) says, "For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother's womb. I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well."

We often talk as if our children are defective little robots who were supposed to come with adult understandings and shaped to fit into our convenient little pre-made boxes.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us that it is OUR job to study their God-wired “bent” and to trust Him daily to help us have the courage to be the parents those little munchkins need! That takes hard work but sure is worth it!

Keep up the great work!

(I never had a Bjorn sling-thing so can’t help you there, hon. I'm sure you'll figure it out.)

Anonymous said...

You can borrow my Bjorn or one of a couple slings. Or I can make you a sling with the fabric of your choosing. I personally feel slings are far superior, but it's essential that you get an in person demo to really get the hang of it.