Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The other day it was unseasonably cold here in Iowa. I looked high and low to find something with long sleeves that would fit the girl. I found something, don't worry. My husband loves Christmas. About mid-August he starts asking when the radio stations will start playing carols. So on the day that it was a little chilly he said, "It won't be too long until we are putting up the tree." And then he asked, " do you want to have a fire tonight?" So we did.
Petunia, Lee and Lulu all sat in front of the fireplace and watched the flames.
While we were enjoying the fire, someone else was enjoying the Moses basket.

Helmet likes the basket so much he even bathes there...


Kers said...

when I first saw the red I thought it was going to be a Christmas outfit :)

Sarah said...

Tell Lee I'm ready for Christmas too! :) Last Christmas was so stressful we didn't do much. I fully intend to go overboard this year to try to make up for it :)

Anonymous said...

When do we go Christmas caroling Lee?


Carrie said...

I love that there are places where it gets chilly in September! I guess we'll just have to turn the air down ... it might be January before we bust out the long sleeves! Lulu looks fabulous in red!

Casey, Aaron, Colby & McKenzie said...

I can't wait to hear what Katie has to say about Helmet "bathing" in Lulu's moses basket!! LOL
Lulu is looking so big..I hope to see you all when we come back to IA on Sept 18-28th...

Blog Stalker said...

I have been waiting patiently for Katie or Robyn to comment about my animals, but I guess they are both too busy moving to be snotty.

Maggie said...

I'm not moving, so I can be snotty...I hope you sanitize that Moses basket before you put poor Lulu back in! (But I love Miss Petunia)

Maggie said...
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Unknown said...

Oh, those cheeks! (Lulu's, not Lee's.)

Maggie said...

where do you find these fancy blog backgrounds?

Kers said...

Why were you checking blogs at 3AM?