Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Poor, Deprived Girl...

The other day Nanny asked why Lulu didn't get any toys on her carseat and had nothing to look at in the backseat. I thought she wasn't old enough, but it seems I was wrong. The first day I attached dangling toys; she hit them and watched them. The second day she grabbed them and cuddled them like a stuffed animal. As you can see, I am a bad mother who insists on holding her child back...

I lover her new tricks. Who knew she was old enough to use her hands and chew on toys?


mini and brother said...

What a smart little chunker, I mean big chunker.

Kers said...

Cousin Hank's comment "Mom she's getting a lot bigger :)" Aunt Kersie's comment - I remember Nanny saying the same thing to me about Hank. So strange to think that she's awake enough in her seat to need something to entertain her. Next thing you know she'll need some board books too :)

Kiki said...

I have done the same thing with all my kids development stuff. I always feel one step behind.

Like now, Sage is totally wanting to learn to read and I was just not prepared for that!

Robyn said...

She is such a cutie--I love the pics below with Mac--can't wait to meet her in person!

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

She can probably use a laptop too...don't tell me you haven't given her one yet!?

Sarah said...

so cute! and smart. Just like her mama :)