Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Foot in Mouth Syndrome

I am not sure if any of you suffer from this debilitating disease, but I do. It is most likely to occur when a person is trying to be funny, they are opinionated or occasionally when a person is pregnant.

I had an episode just yesterday. As you all know, I have fairly strong opinions about names. Lots of people have been asking Lee and I about potential names. The official party line is "we don't know for sure" (in reality we have some favorites but will wait until after it is born to decide for sure). of the girls in the counseling office likes to rub my belly and try to feel the baby. She asked if I had a feeling about the sex of the baby and I said no, but Lee was pretty sure it is a girl. She asked about names and I gave her the party line. She said that is fine, as long as you don't use Name 1 or Name 2*. I said, "Yeah, I know. Everything third kid is named Name 1 or Name 2. I am not a fan of those trendy names either."

She didn't say anything for a second and then she said, "Those names aren't trendy." I realized then that she was protecting her favorite names and not criticizing their over-usage as I had thought. I thought we were commisserating and of the same naming philosophy. Oops.

I backtracked as best I could. I said, "You are right; they aren't trendy, they are just super popular right now."

Do you think I got caught?

*names have been changed so as to limited the potentially offended*


Casey, Aaron, Colby & McKenzie said...

ok first of all, I'm impressed that you are letting ANYONE rub your belly....
2nd-you pick out the name that you love!! Someone, somewhere will always have somebody that they went to school with and the kid was a nerd or a bully, & tell you not to name your child that. Go with your gut, everyone will love that child even if he/she has a weird name!! LOL

Kiki said...

Totally caught. And I really want to know the names!

Astraea said...

I guess that was better than her saying, "Those are the names of my kids..."

Anonymous said...

OK, so I know you are talking about Jen. But now I need to know the names! Do tell!!

Unknown said...

Oh, you TOTALLY got caught.

Unknown said...

p.s. I can't wait to "meet" little Peytin Madyson or Brayden Alexzander.

Or maybe you will surprise us with Jayden Ashtyn, or even Nevaeh?

Sorry, I got a little carried away.