Wednesday, August 22, 2007

2nd Day of School

The craziest thing I heard on the second day of school. To preface, in my school's main office they have pictures of all of the senior classes for the past 30 years displayed on the walls.

So...I was checking my mailbox when one of my freshman said, "Hey, I have a question," while walking up to me. He asked if the senior class picture of 1998 was somewhere on the walls. I said yes and directed him toward the appropriate picture. He started looking at all of the grads and so I said, who are you looking for (thinking it might be an older sister or someone else I might have known)? He said,"there she is," pointing at an unhappy looking girl in the front row. I asked who it was and he said, "it's my mom." I was dumbfounded that his mother was a year younger than me and she had a child in high school. I guess I might not have looked too happy in my senior class picture with a 5 year old at home!


Kers said...

Are you sure you didn't make that up just for blogging entertainment? That is nuts!

Blog Stalker said...

I wish I was making it up, but unofrtunately she is on track to be a grandma by 30...

Kiki said...

oh. my. word.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Whoa...nothing kills Prom night like dragging a 5 year old and his Gameboy with you.