Monday, August 20, 2007


School start tomorrow, I am ready but not thrilled. Last spring I was sad when school ended because my schooldad/best friend, Reyner, was retiring. Last week during our in-service meetings, I was lost. I had always sat by him, made snide and inappropriate comments, worked our Sudoku puzzles, coached tennis, etc.
So...Friday morning he was at our 10am meeting. I gave him a hug and asked why he was there. Good news: he was going to be subbing for a science teacher for the first six weeks! I was so happy that I got tears in my eyes. Dorky, I know. No matter how bad my day got with long boring meetings, I had the thought of Reyner being in the building for awhile.

I still can't believe it; I can put off making new friends for another 6 weeks.


mini and brother said...

I too love Reyner. He is the only reason I graduated and became the person I am today.

Anonymous said...

Phew! So glad for you :)
i love sodoku.

Brenda Rae said...

I am glad he got around the 6 month IPERS rule! I love inservice mtgs?????

Unknown said...

Reyner is cool.