Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday, Last Period...

My seventh hour class was driving me nutty today. I posed the question, "Do you guys have any ideas about how we can get more accomplished during our time in here?"

One student said, "you could tape our mouths shut..."

Another student (the most verbose) said, "yeah, you should tape mine."

I told them that I would provide the tape (I did not put it on their mouths for fear of lawsuits), and proceeded to pull a large roll of duct tape out of my bottom desk drawer. The verbose student pulled some off and taped his mouth closed. The girl sitting next to him felt bad that he was the only one, so she taped hers closed as well.

Needless to say, there was about 5 minutes of quiet during the 55 minutes class period. By the was spirit day, can you tell?

Would you let your children be in my class?


Brenda Rae said...

oh I have done it - given the tape not put it on. I use bets adn hand out candy to the whole class if "my talker" can keep his mouth shut.

Kers said...

I said Warriors are you ready?
Stand up and cheer and show you're here!

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Would it have been going too far to bind, gag, blindfold them and stick them in the trunk of your Volvo just for the blog picture? Yeah...probably.