Monday, February 18, 2008

Another Wild Weekend

Saturday, Lee and I went to a small town about 20 minutes away to look at our favorite antique store. Sadly, we left that store empty handed. But don't be too sad, we made a quick stop by the local "home, farm, auto" store. It was my first trip to this store. Lee said that he felt he had dressed the part and really fit in while shopping. We needed to pick up some ice melt for the impending snow storm, but that isn't all we left with...
Lee has been wanting a gun for quite some time and I am not too supportive of that dream. He thinks that chaos in America is not too far away. He said that if someone breaks into our house, the Maglite next to our bed won't scare the intruder. So, he found a machete locked in the gun case. We went back and forth for awhile about said machete. In the end he bought it ($9.99) with the agreement that when the baby is old enough to crawl it will be locked somewhere unaccessible.

Lee enjoyed posing with his new toy. He even added the "bandana" so he looked tougher.
Sunday morning the snow was coming down steadily. Tuni begged to go outside, but by the time she was ready to come back inside, I thought she looked like a frosted mini-wheat.
Nanny would not be deterred by the predicted blizzzard conditions, so we made our way to the airport so slowly. I was not convinced she would make it off the ground, but after6 hours in the airport, her flight took off.

This was the view from my front windows after the storm was over.

School was cancelled today due to hazardous conditions. I thought I had planned this baby-thing well, but it looks like I am going to be in school until I pop. I thought I would have almost a month off before the blessed event, but we are going to have to make up 6 days so far. Ugh!


Anonymous said...

I'm scared of Lee right now. I'd also like to see the look on the checkout person's face as you were taking a picture of Lee buying a machete.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Note to self..."Cancel surprise middle-of-the-night visit to Karoline and Lee's House. And always call before coming over."

Mikele said...

Tuni does look like a mini-wheat. We call that cereal "big-girl (boy) cereal" around here to throw off the tiny humans.

Kers said...

Seriously - what is the practical use for the machete? :)

Kers said...

Get those ultrasound pics scanned in ASAP!

Anonymous said...

You ARE kidding about that machete in your house?? Love, MIL