Thursday, November 13, 2008

Girl has feet.

Who knew? She found them and hasn't let go of them since. We are trying to work on the modesty issue, but she likes to grab both feet and pull them into the splits while lying on her back. She is very proud of herself.
By the way, all of you anal retentive people will understand how hard my life is...I have struggled to find something that goes with her "Wednesday" day of the week socks. They are a hard color to match. I also have a difficult time making sure she wears the correct outfit so her socks say the correct day. That is normal, right?


Sarah said...

You are so cute! And so is your girl. :) Do the feet go into the mouth? We can't seem to stop that... even now that they wear shoes!

Maggie said...

The girl has nice feet, who can blame her. I got the background thing to work, check it out.

Kiki said...

Do you refer to her as Girl all the time? Don't you have a cat you call Boy? Does anyone else think it is kind of weird but totally Karoline?

Mikele said...

I'm with you on the socks. Kate has day of the week underwear, but I didn't go that far.

Robyn said...

I'm too mesmerized by her sweet chunky rolls of leg chub to even think about socks. She is such a DOLL!

Kers said...

So glad she can't roll yet and flip off her perch :) And for you Chunk - the cats are BoyCat and GirlCat. The daughter is "the girl" usually :)

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