Thursday, November 20, 2008

Neglected Children

Not everyone in our house is thrilled about the new baby...Our oldest babies, the cats, have been craving a little more attention. How better to do that than hang out where the new baby does...her room.

Helmet has been warming the changing pad for the girl.
And Yoda has been warming up the chair for me. Aren't they thoughtful? Don't worry, they have yet to get into her crib, but my guess is that they will with time.

Lee was talking on the phone (and he always paces when he talks), so I put the girl in his arms and away they went. I think my poor girl got a little tired. Probably a pretty even combo of motion, a heartbeat and her dad's voice lulled her to sleep.


Kers said...

The snuggling pic is so sweet and may I say that Lulu looks "long and lean" in her one piece jammers :)

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

That picture of LuLu asleep with Lee is adorable. She looks so peaceful. Maybe I'll try that as a cure for my nights of insomnia...I'm pretty sure Mr. Spice would hold me while he paces and talks on the phone. I might even pull the baby bjorn out of storage....and hook myself into that.