Monday, August 4, 2008

Busy Weekend

We had a fun-filled weekend. Lulu attended her first soccer tournament. She slept through most of it in her stroller.
The girls on Lee's team got her some really cute presents. They ended up getting 3rd place. I think Lucia was passed around the entire time. She loved it. The girls loved holding her (so did the moms).
Nanny back from her week in Arizona. She couldn't get over how much Lucia had grown. They had gotten used to holding baby Mac, so Lulu seemed like a chunk.
Lulu was practicing her upper body strength. She has a really strong neck (that is no small head to be holding up...).

She weighs 11lbs 4 oz and is 6 weeks old. She is smiling often and attempting to coo/make sounds. She is super fun. I just love staring at her big blue eyes and hanging out with her.


Mikele said...

Again with the capris!

Sarah said...

What a trooper! I'm impressed :) It just gets more fun... imagine that :)

Maggie said...

I need to see Baby Lulu soon! I can't believe how much bigger she has gotten since I last saw her. Want to meet in Williamsburg? Call me...

Casey, Aaron, Colby & McKenzie said...

What a stinkin cutie!! You could have evening babysitting all set up with Lee's soccer girls...lucky!!

Kiki said...

How fun and kind of weird to hear you say a baby is super fun!