Thursday, August 14, 2008

This one is for you, Sarah.

Sarah has repeatedly asked for a picture of me with the baby, but I haven't had one until now. As most of you blog mothers know, we are the ones behind the camera documenting every cute face made. So, Kerstin took a picture of me with the girl at Papa's birthday party last week.
And a little family portrait...

Thanks for caring about us Sarah (and others). By the way...Sarah is pregnant with a fourth daughter to add to her family. I am just trying to figure out one!


Sarah said...

Yeah for pictures of the beautiful mommy!! Just wanted you to know that you're not forgotten even though someone else gets the attention now :) Who do people say Lucia looks like?? And I'm still trying to figure out how you get that cute little bow to stay... :)

Anonymous said...

She looks even better in person!

Kiki said...

You do look great! And I can't wait to see you in person!