Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where am I?

So...it is 8:00am on the first day of school and where am I? Sitting in my house wearing my pajamas and blogging. It is the weirdest feeling.

This is the first August since 1984 (that is 24 years ago, fyi) that I haven't gone to school in some capacity. It is hard for me to think that life at school is happening without me. Shouldn't the school shut down? Shouldn't people miss me?

I am glad I get to stay home with my girl and I wouldn't trade it for anything (I could start crying just thinking about leaving her with someone else), but a small part of me misses teaching already. Okay, that's all my whining for today.

So, I promise to post later today. We have had a crazy past week.


Maggie said...

We got an urgent phone call at work for immediate response for all available mental health professionals to respond to Washington High School in Cedar Rapids due to massive depression, now it makes sense...they are missing you. You were a great teacher and will be missed. Don't feel like a whiner for being sad and missing such an important part of your life. Perhaps you should take yourself back to school shopping, I did that last week and I have no ties to school anymore. But it was fun!

Mikele said...

I still get all nostalgic on the first day... but this year I was at the pool, sooooo... it was easier somehow.

Casey, Aaron, Colby & McKenzie said...

I remember when I was pregnant & thinking how hard can it be to leave your baby with a stranger?? WOW...it was SOOO much harder then I had thought!! I cried all the way to work everyday for 2 weeks! It was so sad & you are SO lucky to be home with her! You can always go back to teaching but you never get these years back!!
ENJOY every minute of it!! I sure did this past year & I wish I could have it back to do again!!

Anonymous said...

"Casey, aaron and colby"...that was really cool...thanks for the perspective. Sorry, Karoline, I know this is your blog, but it was theraputic for me : )

Maggie, I also like the back to school shopping idea.

Okay, I don't want to leave Mikele out, so I'm off to the pool after some shopping...